Bad breath is no joke. As common as it can be, it’s a really tough social problem, which is both unpleasant for the person who suffers from it and the people around them. It’s not rare that someone with bad breath may experience anxiety and concern when he/she realizes that people don’t want them around and it’s normal.
People in modern days give a lot of value to good hygiene and personal habits and halitosis can be quiet a sign that things are not going great in that area. Smell plays a big role in memory and affectivity through psychic reactions and hormone liberation so if you stink, regardless of the source, people will remember you for it and will react to it as well.
For this reason, you need to be really careful with your habits and try to look (and smell) your best so others may react to you in a more positive way. Ensuring that other recognize you not only as a presentable and clean person but also, someone nice to be with and someone who is nice to be seen around with, is a goal that we must try to achieve to fit in society and reach many of our goals. For instance, to improve our social connections inside work we must talk to people and if they realize that we have a bad breath, the likelihood is that they’ll try to avoid us as much as they can and we won’t be able to reach our goal to increase our contacts inside the working area.
See? A social problem that must be treated both efficiently and quickly.
The Basics of Halitosis: “Bad Breath”
In case you haven’t realized, people spend a lot of money into hiding natural odors and the oral cavity plays a big role when it comes to this. Toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwashes and finally, appointments in the department of odontology with the periodontist or odontologist performing teeth and gum cleaning to eliminate bacteria and prevent/treat cavities and bad breath as well.
But first things first, let’s define: What does Halitosis mean exactly?
Halitosis or bad breath is defined as an unpleasant smell coming specifically from someone’s breath or his/her oral cavity. It may have several causes that come from bad oral hygiene to chronic/systemic affections that need specific diagnosis and treatments.
Most adults suffer from bad breath at some point in their lives. It’s more frequent in women than men and in old people.
Very frequently, people with halitosis can’t perceive the bad smell coming from his/her mouth since they are unable to smell their breath or they are just used to their smell and see it like a natural.
Odontologists are usually the first specialists we consult when we have these kinds of issues and they provide solutions for it in 90% of the cases, depending on the etiology or the reason behind bad breath. If it’s related to teeth and gums’ hygiene they’ll fix it, if not, they proceed to make a reference to a doctor who can diagnose the original source of the problem.
Fake & Real Bad Breath
Halitosis usually is usually not chronic when it comes from oral affections since we brush and we clean our oral cavity keeping bacteria at bay in there and preventing bad smell. However, when it is frequent and it maintains a different pattern than the one priory explained, bad breath could be a sign of a chronic/systemic pathology. The latter is recognized as fake halitosis since it’s not related to oral hygiene problems even when the smell remains as distasteful.
Main Causes of Chronic Bad Breath
Chronic affections such as periodontal diseases, Diabetes, Cirrhosis, laryngitis, chronic sinusitis, the presence of bezoars, pneumonia, renal insufficiency and few types of cancer can cause bad breath with specific characteristics to note depending on the disease.
For instance, the smell for renal insufficiency is a urine-like smell while in the cases of diabetes with complications, the patient’s breath it smells like cider.
The Magical 9 Essential oils for REAL Bad Breath
How do they work and What to Expect?
1) Lemon: instantly contra rests bad smell and whitens teeth when used frequently, however, lemon can irritate the oral mucosa if abused.
2) Peppermint: since it has a good amount of menthol with antiseptic properties that not only provide a minty, fresh kind of breath but also fight bacteria! It can also help with indigestion, another source of halitosis. To use it, simply get the oil, brush your teeth and gums with it and wash with abundant water. Simple.
3) Spear Mint: this oil is usually present in toothpaste and several types of mouthwash leaving a cool fresh scent. It also kills bacteria preventing the formation of plaque and cavities.
4) Cinnamon: should be used with caution since it’s irritating for your mouth in excess. It leaves a sweet aroma that’s delightful to have!
5) Eucalyptus: We can’t make a list of oils without mentioning this one. It’s one of the best natural treatments for regular halitosis and many other commercial products have it in their formulas. It leaves a fresh, cool and delicious scent since it keeps bacteria highly controlled and can treat gingivitis.
6) Rosemary: it’s antimicrobial and also a nice antioxidant. Rosemary needs to be diluted with water when used; otherwise, it might damage mucosa and increase skin sensitivity.
7) Clove: Not only it neutralizes bacteria but also, it helps to strengthen your gums laving a sweet scent in your mouth behind to enjoy anytime.
8) Myrhh: This remedy is not only great to kill bacteria and neutralize bad smell; it’s also very good for people with inflammation and soreness in gums and lips. Its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties make it a nice rival or alternative to other oils. Also, its scent is fruity, sweet and delicious to taste.
9) Wintergreen: is a nice soft oil to clean carefully your people and although is not as popular as other oils, it’s effective to neutralize bacteria as well. The scent in your mouth after the remedy tends to be minty and sweet.
Other Natural Remedies to Try!
- Green Tea.The polyphenols on its formula can prevent several ailments from a few oral diseases to mouth cancer. It also helps you to relax and improves intestinal motility and digestion so it’s a big alternative for you to try!
- Water: Drink lots of water! A dry mouth is a huge way to get bad breath, keeping yourself hydrated not only improves your health condition via your kidneys, but it also increases the motility in the intestines easing digestion, which prevents another source of halitosis, indigestion.
- Citrus fruit.Citric acid can neutralize bad breath and it kills bacteria for its acidity in this area. Lemon, oranges, strawberries, pineapples, they all have these compound with awesome properties.
- Chew on herbs and spices.Herbs like mint, basil, and cilantro remove bad breath; all you need to do is chew! Spices such as fennel seeds do this as well while also helping to treat constipation and indigestion. Both are big causes of reflux and halitosis.
What do you think? Did you find these recipes useful to you?
Remember to stay open to try but keep on researching. The right alternative is there, all you need to do is keep looking.