Essential Oils to Relieve Your Pain

Essential oils have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that help relieve back pain. To obtain all its benefits we must ensure that they are of organic origin.

Back pain is a very common condition that can occur more than once in our lives. We show you how you can alleviate it by using essential oils.

How to relieve pain with essential oils?

A pain in the joints or back can be due to various causes, injuries, rheumatism, arthritis by bad postures etc. Essential oils are one of the best allies to relieve pain as they are anti-rheumatic, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory.

The best essential oils to relieve pain are those containing cloves, lavender, marjoram, mint, juniper, rosemary, ginger, chamomile, and eucalyptus. They can be used either individually or mixed together.

We will detail the techniques to use:

A mix of essential oils:

Apply twice a day in the painful joint a mixture of clove oil with other essential oils such as rosemary, mint, lavender, and geranium. Mix at least three types of oils with the carrier oil of your preference to make a dilution of 1% (6 drops of essential oil and 30 g of carrier oil).

The concentration can be increased to 3% (20 drops of essential oil to 30 grams of carrier oil). It can be applied more than twice a day, always depending on the reaction.

Another combination that works very well with inflamed joints is 1 drop of black pepper, 1 drop of ginger, 2 drops of the vanilla mix, 3 drops of rosemary, 3 drops of coriander, 4 drops of marjoram and 6 drops of Roman chamomile with 30 grams of carrier oil. Massage the area until the pain subsides.

Massage with clove oil on the affected area:

Apply small amounts of clove oil on the muscle or painful joint. This oil is very popular for its antibacterial, antimicrobial and hemostatic properties and is used to counteract inflammation.

As it is applied directly it can cause the appearance of irritations in the skin. To prevent this from happening, you can dilute the clove oil in a carrier oil such as coconut oil, adding up to 12 drops of clove oil and 60 grams of the carrier oil.

Bath with essential oils:

Joint pains are best relieved by a hot water bath with essential oils. Mix 2 drops of rosemary oil, 4 drops of juniper, 2 drops of cypress, 2 drops of lavender and 1-2 cups of bath salts.

Cold and hot compresses:

Apply the warm compress for 15 minutes in each session, alternating with the cold after a while.

Doctors have discovered that hot and cold compresses relieve joint pain and adding essential oils improves the effectiveness of the therapy.

Select at least 3 essential oils and add 4 drops of each in the water, and soak the towel before putting it on the affected area.

Following are some of the essential oils which you can use to relieve pain. We have also given recipes so you can easily make it at home.



This essential oil has Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory properties.


  •    Relieves sinusitis
  •    Treats nasal congestion (caused by a cold).
  •    Treat muscular pain, strains, and sprains.
  •    Relieves itching by dry skin.


– Add 6 to 10 drops in a tub, dilute it in 1 tablespoon of honey or milk and mixed it well in water.

– Add 12 drops or 30 ml diluted vegetable oil and then massage on your skin.



Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory property.


  •    Chamomile essential oil relieves the pain of premenstrual syndrome.
  •    Help with headaches.
  •    Reduces failure of the nervous system that generates sensitivity and pain.
  •    Helps to fight with stress.


– It is better to use it in lukewarm water baths.

– Add 6 to 10 drops in the tub. Dilute in a spoonful of honey or milk and mixed it well with water.



This essential oil has anti-inflammatory property.


  •    Essential for the relief of muscle pain.
  •    Soothes sciatica pains
  •    Beneficial for congestion of the lymph node.
  •    Helps to relieve minor skin irritation.
  •    It has relaxing and soothing effects.


  •    Add 8 to 10 drops in the tub. Then dilute it with a spoonful of honey or milk and mixed it well with water.
  •    Add 30 ml or 12 drops of diluted vegetable oil and then massage on affected skin area.