Japanese Water Therapy for Weight Loss

Drinking enough water, especially in summer, is essential for health. In addition, water is the protagonist of a traditional therapy to lose weight quickly and easily.

Let us find out here more about water therapy for weight loss.

Actually, this therapy comes from Japan. A Japanese woman who wants to lose some pounds uses this amazing therapy. In Japan, it is said that not only weight is lost but it is a cure that benefits the health in general.

How Japanese water therapy is done?

The therapy begins as soon as we wake up. First thing in the morning, after getting up and before brushing your teeth, you have to drink 4 glasses of warm water on an empty stomach.

Each glass should have a minimum volume of 160-200 ml and the water should be a natural mineral without gas (you can add a few drops of lemon juice for taste).

It is not necessary to take the four glasses in a row without stopping. You can do it calmly, in small drinks.

After that, you wait at least 45 minutes to have breakfast.

Do not worry if you’ve woken up with a lot of hunger: the amount of water you should drink for sure helps you feel some satiety and you can wait until the 45 minutes have passed.

Do not drink any liquid or eat anything in the two hours after each meal. There are no more rules until the night when they gargle with salt water for 2 minutes before going to sleep.

Japanese water therapy is accompanied by some tips, such as walking daily for at least an hour and chewing every bite very well.

What effects does it produce?

It is considered that this way of drinking water activates the metabolism, favors the elimination of toxins and rehydration and with it the good functioning of each one of the cells of the body, decreases the sensation of hunger, mobilizes the intestine and favors the loss of weight.

Scientific studies have shown that taking water before eating reduces appetite, consumes less solid food and calories, and weight loss is favored.

A study conducted and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that the analysis of 13 studies allowed to establish that an increase in water consumption, combined with a balanced diet, achieves a loss of significant weight within 3-12 months.

More specifically, a study by Virginia Tech University found that drinking water before breakfast achieved a 13% reduction in the calories consumed in the first meal.

Of course, the strategy will be more effective if we also introduce changes in the diet and exercise more.

Although each case must be studied individually, in general, it is advisable to reduce the intake of carbohydrates and increase fiber.

It is not a therapy to cure everything:

On the internet, you can find sites that explain Japanese water therapy, not as an aid to promote wellbeing and weight control but as an infallible method to cure all kinds of diseases, including some serious diseases such as cancer. Obviously, this is not more than a hoax.

The help of cinnamon to lose weight:

If you consider that your diet is already light and balanced and you only need a small help, in addition to water therapy you can try to aromatize with cinnamon infusions and coffees.

The cinnamon contains substances that are capable of reducing blood glucose levels. These substances, on the one hand, increase the sensitivity to insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar levels, and, on the other hand, reduces the absorption of carbohydrates.

Take spicier instead of sweeter:

If you use cinnamon instead of sugar to make the taste of an infusion or coffee more pleasant, you will be consuming fewer calories. But do not overdo it. Do not consume more than half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder a day.

Is there any side effect of Water Therapy?

There is no any side effects have been reported but people who are under this therapy have to go to the bathroom many times to urinate. It is because detoxification of your body and it eliminates toxins or fighting with harmful organisms.

Other symptoms you can experience in this process of detoxifications are itching, nausea, upset stomach, diarrhea, tiredness, bad mood, feeling discouraged, fatigue, cravings, headache, and dizziness among others.